Saturday, February 14, 2009

Letter to the Kellogg Company

Mr. David Mackay
Kellogg Company
One Kellogg Square
P.O. Box 3599
Battle Creek, MI 49016-3599

Dear Mr. Mackay:

I am disappointed to learn that the Kellogg Company has ended its marketing relationship with Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps. Mr. Phelps’ private activities have not impacted his athletic performance, so I’m surprised that a cereal company has an opinion on this controversy.

If Mr. Phelps’ private activities are relevant to his role as a Kellogg spokesman, why would Kellogg ignore his drunk-driving arrest in 2004?

A word of advice to corporations foolish enough to take sides on controversies like this: be consistent. Because hopefully someone (anyone?) at Kellogg is aware that drinking and driving is FAR MORE dangerous than cannabis consumption.

Andy K.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

"60 Minutes" report on Palestine

On Sunday, January 25, CBS aired an amazing "60 Minutes" report on Palestine. It was, as Alexander Cockburn put it this weekend on the CounterPunch site, "the single most savage indictment of Israel ever broadcast on U.S. network television."


Part One

Part Two